HamRadio crossed my life in 1979/1980.
At that time I took the first steps in this hobby through the 11 Meters band.
Some of my friends at that time were already HamRadio Operators, and they influenced and inspired me since today.
I remember with some regrets of my youth time of CT1BKK (Victor Percheiro SK), CT1BWY (Rui Braga) today CU7CM, CT1BWW (Manuel Marques), CT1UP (Fernando Percheiro), there are more but I can not remember their callsigns.
During my youth, HamRadio was part of my life in an intense way and ended up influencing in a way my professional life.
At that time, the information was very poor and it was through the more experienced friends that we learned the basics of electronics and radio broadcasts.
I lived at that time near Cascais, in a village called Parede and in 2008 i moved for a country side village near the city of Covilha, central part of Portugal.
As soon as we enter the labor market, we form a family and we have children, the priorities in our lives change, but the desire to one day get the HamRadio license has always remained, in a way a wish asleep, waiting for a click.
In 2014 this click happened, I started to open all the boxes that have been closed more than 25 years.
In 2016 I became a class 3 Ham Operator with the callsign CR7AOL
In 2017 I attended CW class of GPCW and started to take the first steps.
In 2018 I did the class 2 exam ( Cept Novice License ) and I had the callsign CS7AOL
In July 31th 2019 i took the class 1 exam ( Cept License ) and from now on my new callsign is CT7AOL
Our hobby has a lot of challenges, DX is my passion and the biggest challenge of this hobby but i also like to collect Grid squares , participate in contests or hunt the Dxpedition stations.
No matter the mode or band, if the propagation is open, where we have noise, i will be there.
I´m active in SSB, CW (QRS), FT8, FT4 and when i found activity i also use PSK, RTTY or SSTV although CW and Digital modes are my favorite.
From time to time i use some time playing with WSPR.
Hand made Antennas and electronic projects are also a must.
Hope to see you soon on bands.
73 de CT7AOL