The purpose for which it was created, to alert interested radio amateurs (DXers) that there is a DX station in the air, these days is used not only to advertise certain DX stations but used in an abusive way as if it were any instant messenger.
Nowadays, a DX cluster is also used for;
- Asking questions
- Request or suggest bands and modes
- Make complaints
- Insulting or making shameful comments.
In conclusion, instead of using this tool according their purposes, there are those who see here another opportunity to make QRM.
Although I am not a big fan or a regular user of clusters , I see through the Log software that I usually use (Log4om) much of what I just described and I wonder;
With the available technology, shouldn't this type of users be blocked?
There will be no other places and platforms to ask questions, requests, suggestions. complaints or outbursts?
If we add to all this the fact that sometimes the spots have callsigns errors generating confusion in the frequency.
How many times have we seen some OM's that just arrived and start calling without paying attention that the DX station calls and requests an UP
Usually these distracted ones come from the clusters
What could be a powerful tool is often an authentic pandora box