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Writer's pictureCT7AOL

FT8 Event of FT8DMC

Updated: Sep 12, 2020

Throughout this month of July 2020, the FTDMC's 3rd anniversary event has taken place.

There have been several voices of discontent on social media, especially on facebook regarding the weak participation of some of the SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS.

Thus and analyzing facts we will see which SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS perform less according to data extracted from various sources


According to the pskreporter this SPECIAL EVENT STATION is at 25 days without activity.

3 spots on Dxduncluster


According to the pskreporter this SPECIAL EVENT STATION is at 7 days without activity.

6 spots on Dxduncluster

This callsign is not valid in this date


According to the pskreporter this SPECIAL EVENT STATION is at 20 days without activity.

81 spots on Dxduncluster

On the past 24th July I had already realized that

A60FTDMC (last report 21 days ago)

CB3DMC (last heard 3 days ago)

HZ8FTDMC (last heard 6 days ago)

LR8FTDMC Very weak signals in EU and not the best freq. to EU

OD5FTDMC (last report 16 days ago)

XR3FT8 (last heard 5 days ago)

XR3DMC (last heard 4 days ago)

ZL6FTDMC Very weak signals in EU and not the best freq. to EU small periods of time operating

After this scenario I can conclude that of the 22 SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS, 9 had a poor performance and 2 of them practically did not participate.

It is important to remember that event as different levels of diplomas and were based on 22 SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS and not 13 stations in full activity.

After all these facts, I feel the duty to express my personal opinion on this matter.

First, this event is organized by a club that has several members on its staff and for you can enjoy the challenge of collecting the various diplomas, they give much of their time voluntarily and free of charge.

Second, in most cases, all callsigns had associated costs and in some cases very high costs and borne solely by the teams in each country.

Third, this problem should be a lesson for future events as well as future teams in different countries.

We cannot use the excuse so often heard that " Ham Radio is only a hobby ", yes I agree, but there must be commitment from those who accept to be a SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS, we cannot constantly hide with this excuse, because there is a community in that each of us has our expectations and defrauding expectations is tremendously bad and in no way dignifies the organizing club and its staff.

Stay safe during this pandemic season



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